Financial Professionals

Leverage our trust services to benefit you and your clients

Reach goals & impact clients

Bridging the Next Generation

The relationship that you are building with your clients is as valuable as helping them reach their financial goals. The conversation about estate planning can help to bridge the next generation and build the relationship beyond your clients’ life. Trust services can provide a beneficial way for you to discuss your clients’ wishes and provide them peace of mind by having a professional trustee handle the distribution of their assets. Financial professionals that have Premier Trust listed as successor trustee on their clients’ trusts allows you the opportunity to continue to manage those assets for the next generation.

Advantages of working with Premier Trust

Working with Premier Trust is an easy process. We are happy to work with the clients’ financial team, but also have a network of estate planning attorneys, and CPAs should they find that they need additional help.

The benefits of premier trust

Our independent model allows us to work with financial professionals, attorneys, CPAs, and their clients across the United States to provide personalized trust administration services for a diverse array of trusts.

 Financial professionals retain assets under management.

 Account stays on the financial professional’s platform for a seamless experience. We work with all custodians.

 Premier Trust administers trusts with assets of $500k and greater.

 Your clients’ accounts are assigned to an administrator who will work directly with the professionals. No call centers or impersonal AI chatbots. 

 No state income tax when the trustee (Premier Trust) is located in Nevada.

 Mitigate negative family dynamics which is typical when the trustee is a family member.

Already have an existing client trust?

You can appoint Premier Trust as a replacement for your existing trustee and ensure the peace of mind that comes with hiring a professional trustee that has been in business since 2021.

progressive laws to benefit your clients

Why Nevada?

There are a number of states known to be good domiciles (situs in trust language) for your clients’ trusts. Nevada is one of them and is often ranked as the top state by estate planning attorneys across the nation. Nevada’s combination of tax and estate planning laws, and no state income tax make it a very attractive solution for clients’ trusts.

Fee Schedule

Personal Trusts - Continual AdministrationAnnual Fee (Minimum Fee $3,000)
First $1 million0.60%
$1-$2 million0.50%
$2-$5 million0.35%
Over $5 millionContact Us
**Additional fees may be added depending on asset structure or duties
Trust SettlementsOne Time Fee
Outright Distribution - Fair market value of assets distributed2%
Continual Administration - Fair market value of trust assets1%
**Additional fees may be added depending on asset structure or duties
Special Needs Trusts & GuardianshipAnnual Fee (Minimum Fee $4,000)
First $1 million0.85%
$1-$2 million0.75%
$2-$5 million0.65%
Over $5 million0.25%
**Additional fees may be added depending on asset structure or duties

Flat Fees

Asset Protection Trusts - DirectedAnnual Fee
Administrative Trustee$3,000
Distribution Discretion$100
**Additional fees may be added depending on asset structure or duties
Irrevocable Life Insurance TrustsAnnual Fee
Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts$2,000
Additional Policies$50/policy
**Additional fees may be added depending on asset structure or duties


Premier Trust Brochure  A guide to all of our services and the advantages of working with us.

Advantages of a Corporate Trustee A comparison of a corporate trustee to an individual trustee

Benefits of Nevada / Nevada Asset Protections Trust  A list of advantages and benefits of a having a trust in Nevada.

Special Needs Trusts  A summary explanation of this important type of trust and the value a corporate trustee provides in administering a Special Needs Trust.

Estate Planning Matrix A guideline to different levels of client net worth and the trust needs they may have.

Self-Directed IRAs  A guide to an alternative retirement solution that gives the client flexibility in investment options.

Full Resources List 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No. Our services are independent of any investment firm. We can work with the financial professional of your choice.

  • You’ll benefit from the Nevada Advantage. Typically, if a state has a personal income tax they probably also have a fiduciary state income tax. Nevada has neither tax, and this helps reduce the erosion of trust assets by the tax rate. The trust will always have to file a federal income tax return, but using a Nevada situs trustee will usually avoid any need to file a state fiduciary income tax return. However, if a beneficiary of a Nevada trust receives a trust distribution, that may subject that individual to their own state’s personal income tax filings.

    Nevada Dynasty trust laws – In Nevada a trust can last 365 years. This may allow a trust to avoid the estate tax arena for multiple generations. Dynasty trusts are how wealth is accumulated by allowing trust assets to grow and compound within the trust fee of estate taxes that normally would be levied at the death of each generation.

    One of the reasons it’s called the Nevada Advantage is because Nevada is considered one of the best state jurisdictions for domestic asset protection.

    Nevada laws now permit the decanting of an irrevocable trust. Many clients do not like to use irrevocable trusts as they feel the document can never be changed. However, Nevada laws are very flexible and allows this ability to decant a current trust to another new trust, should circumstances change to warrant the prior trust to be disregarded.

    Nevada allows directed trusts. This provides for the duties within the administration of the trust to be separated to have the trustee perform administrative functions and an outside investment adviser to manage the trust portfolio. Many clients like the idea of splitting these duties so one entity does not control all aspects of their estate plan.

    Premier Trust was created as a directed trustee since we began in 2001. We are not attorneys, CPA’s or investment managers, so the client can be assured that as a trustee, we will keep their trusted advisors in place after they have passed.

  • Premier Trust is chartered and incorporated in Nevada. It is under state law that we are authorized to act as a trust company. Clients nationwide are able to take advantage of the Nevada statutes by working with us.

  • No.

  • Yes. Nevada has no state personal or fiduciary income tax or capital gains tax for irrevocable trusts. Also, Nevada offers strong client asset-protection and limited liability company laws.

  • Premier Trust requires a copy of the trust document for review prior to accepting any trusteeship. Additionally, we may need verification of identity and confirmation of certain documents and disclosures depending on the type of trust and our intended role. This may include:

    • W-9 Form – Completed by the “grantor(s)” and any current beneficiary(ies)

    • PIF (Personal Information Form) – One form must be completed and signed by each; Grantor, Family Trustee, Co-trustee, Trust Protector or Distribution Trustee. Form must also be notarized and returned to Premier Trust in an original form.

    • Copy of driver’s license or government ID for each of the above.

    • Copies of all Trust Documents (ie Trusts, Applicable amendments)

    • Contact Information for anyone listed in the trust (ie trustee(s), co-trustee(s))

    You can upload a copy of the trust here.

Ready to Work with Premier Trust?